Shop Small and Local This Holiday Season

Hostess gifts, Christmas gifts, office white elephant gifts, appreciation gifts for delivery men, gifts, gifts, gifts!! 


It is the season of giving. Shop wisely to make your purchases give the most. Shopping at small businesses helps actual communities grow. When you buy from smaller businesses it creates jobs within that community and gives tax money to support that community. Shopping small local to you obviously has a more direct impact on you, but shopping small online has the same effect. 


Small business weekend is this weekend. Write up your gift list so you know what you’re looking for and go explore the cute stores in your area. Take advantage of the deals they are offering and show your support at the same time. All the stores you drive past regularly and never stop at are full of fun products, good services and friendly people. 


Cyber Monday packages are more fun to receive when they include hand written thank you’s from the owners and employees at small businesses, and not just something thrown in a box at Amazon. So remember to shop small first! 


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